Team Selection
Each year, the team aims for a squad of 26 paddling members. With a dragon boat normally carrying 22, including the drummer (caller) and sweep (steer), a degree of rotation is required for training and regattas. The Coach and Team Captain will decide regatta participation based on performance, fitness and training attendance. The safety of all members is paramount at all times.
If you are interested in joining Busting With Life or just want to know more about the team, please head over to our contact us page
Busting With Life in action!
Uniforms and Equipment
Most team attire and equipment is provided by the team on a “loan” basis for as long as you are a paddling member. A small number of items may need to be purchased individually.
Experience has shown that the following are also helpful:
Slip-proof footwear for on the boat (aqua shoes)
Plastic water bottle
Cap clip (clip your hat onto your shirt)
Sunglasses with strap/retainer
Waterproof pouch – for keys/money
Thermal top and leggings for those chilly days
A light shower proof jacket for on-the-water use
Dri-light training top
2 x Cap
Polar fleece jumper / vest
Regatta race shirt
Rain / warm Jacket
Knitted Beanie
Pink linen dress shirt
Team structure and organisation
Initially under the wings of the Auckland Breast Cancer Support Service, Busting With Life was incorporated as a society in 2004.
A 7 member leadership committee addresses all management, administration, team development, fundraising, and operational matters in accordance with the team’s charter.
The president is elected for a term of two years, and can only hold the position for two terms (4 years)
All other leadership committee members are elected annually by the membership at the Annual General Meeting
A qualified coach is appointed by the leadership committee to develop the paddling skills and racing strategy of the team, and to direct an overall fitness program. The training program is fundamental to the success of the team and to paddler enjoyment, so the coach is a key player. He/she strives to achieve the team’s on-the-water goals while being keenly aware of the motivational requirements of 25 individuals.
Appointed by the coach with the endorsement of the Leadership Committee, a team captain is appointed to provide on-the-water leadership and guidance. The captain also acts as spokesperson at regattas, and keeps the team organised at events. A key role, the captain plays an important coach – committee – team liaison role, and needs to be aware of all factors that might impact on-the-water performance.
The only pre-requisite is a history of breast cancer. Age, athletic ability, gender and previous paddling experience are not issues.
Sweep (Steerer):
An important position requiring dragon boat experience, good upper body strength and special training. The sweep keeps the boat going in the right direction. The team aims to have 2 paddlers trained as sweeps. The sweep is in charge of the boat at all times.
Caller (Drummer):
In races, the drummer calls out stroke timing, which paddle stroke is to be used, and urges the team on throughout the race. Strong timing is required, as the drum must be struck during regattas. An ability to read the distance on the water and a loud voice is necessary. Timid people need not apply.
Training schedule and regattas
Weekly training schedule:
Monday: 6:00pm-7:00pm. Report time 5:30pm for warm up.
Wednesday: 6:00pm-7:00pm. Report time 5:30pm for warm up.
The dragon boat season generally starts in October and continues through to end of March/early April.
We kick-off in late September with a team gathering, to greet new members and catch up with the old.
On-the-water training in the dragon boat starts in October, initially with twice weekly sessions (Monday and Wednesday evenings) held at Westhaven marina.
There are generally four regattas held within New Zealand each year. International regattas are typically held; every four years for International Breast Cancer Participatory festival, and bi-annually for the Australian Pan Pacific Masters regatta.
The team strives to raise funds / obtain grants to allay travel and related costs, but when not possible, individual members cover their own costs.
Training site:
October to December at Westhaven - Pier Z (City end of Westhaven - near Swashbucklers)
January to March/April at Killarney Park, Lake Pupuke, Takapuna.